Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 30, 2011 Mass (New Roman Missal)

This month, we are going to start using the New Roman Missal. In addition to new words, we're using a completely new Mass Setting called The Glendalough Mass.

Opening: Glory
Penitential Rite: Kyrie (Lawton, Tate)
Gloria: Glory to God (Lawton, Tate)

Responsorial Psalm: (will be recited)
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia (Lawton, Tate)

Offertory: Open My Eyes
Holy: Holy, Holy, Holy (Lawton, Tate)
Memorial Acclamation: When We Eat This Bread (Lawton, Tate)
Great Amen: Amen (Lawton, Tate)
Our Father: Our Father (the one we always sing)

Lamb of God: Lamb of God (Lawton, Tate)
Communion: Like a Child Rests
Communion: Only This I Want
Closing: Blest Be the Lord